Center for General Statistical Analysis and Theory of Random OperatorsDirected by Prof. Vyacheslav L. Girko |
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IntroductionThe Center for General Statistical Analysis was founded by Prof. Vyacheslav L. Girko in January 2000. The goals of the center are:
Contact informationInstitute of Mathematics |
Prof. Girko is editor of the following journals |
Statistical Analisis of Random Arrays (SARA) (in preparation) |
Staff and Editorial Board |
L. Accardi (Rome) |
S. Albeverio (Bochum) |
G. Cassati (Como) |
V. Kurotschka(Berlin) |
Y. Kondratyev (Bielefeld) |
I. Litvin(Port Elizabeth) |
H. Drygas (Kassel) |
N. Portenko (Kiev) |
N. Leonenko(Kardiff) |
A. Vladimirova (Kiev) |
A. F. Turbin (Kiev) |
I. Ibragimov (St. Petersburg) |
Yuri Krak (Kiev) |
S. Molchanov (Charlotte, NC) |
W. Kirsch (Bochum) |
N. Christopeit (Bonn) |
L. Pastur (Marsel) |
A. Klein (Irvine, CA) |
A. Shiryayev (Moscow) |
M. B. Malyutov (Boston) |
C. Domanski (Lodz) |
A. Rukhin (Baltimore) |
V. Fedorov (Tennessee) |
Muni S. Srivastava (Canada) |
E. Staffetti (Rome) |
E. Lebedev (Kiev) |
A. Babanin (Kiev) |
A. Nakonechny (Kiev) |
Ph. Loubaton (Marne-la-Vallee) |
R. Carmona (Princeton) |
Books |
Theory of Stochastic Canonical equations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2001 |
An Introduction to Statistical Analysis of Random Arrays. VSP, The Netherlands, 1998 |
Multidimensional Statistical Analysis and Theory of Random Matrices. VSP, The Netherlands, 1996 |
Theory of Random Determinants Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1990 |
Theory of Systems of Empirical Equations. "Lybid Publishing, Kiev, Ukraine, 1990 |
Spectral Theory of Random Matrices. "Science" Publishing, Moscow, Russia, 1988 |
Multidimensional Statistical Analysis. "Higher School" Publishing, Kiev, Ukraine, 1983 |
Limit Theorems for Functions of Random Variables. "Higher School" Publishing, Kiev, Ukraine, 1983 |
Theory of Random Determinants. Kiev University Publishing, Ukraine, 1975 |
Random Matrices. Kiev University Publishing, Ukraine, 1975 |
Recent Papers |
The Canonical Equation for the Resolvent of a Random Matrix with Asymptotically Independent Entries II. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V. 3, N.1, 1995, 41--63 p. |
The Method of Random Determinants for Estimating the Permanent. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V. 3, N.2, 1995, 181--193 p. |
Canonical Spectral Equation for the Empirical Covariance Matrices, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal , 1995, V. 47, N.9, 1176--1189 p. |
Elliptic Law: Ten Years Later I, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V. 3, N. 3, 1995, 257--302 p. |
The Elliptic Law: Ten Years Later II, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations}, V. 3, N.4, 1995, 377--398 p. |
Random Matrices, Handbook of Algebra. Elsevier Science B.V. 1995, 27--78 p. |
Canonical Equation for Empirical Covariance Matrices. Proceedings of the 14-th International Conference on Multivariate Statistical Analysis, MSA95, Warsaw, Poland, 1995, 225--247 p. |
Minimax Estimators for Linear Models with Nonrandom Disturbances. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations V. 3, N.4, 1995, 361--377 p. (with N. Christopeit). |
Spectral Theory of Minimax Estimation, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae V.3, 1996, 59--69 p. |
The Canonical Spectral Equation, Theory of Probability and its Applications, V. 39, N.4, 1996, 685--691 p. |
Canonical Equation for the Resolvent of Empirical Covariance Matrix, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V.4, N.1, 1996, 61--76 p. |
Strong Law for the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Empirical Covariance Matrices, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V.4, N.2, 1996, 179--204 p. |
Multivariate Elliptically Contoured Linear Models and Some Aspects of the Theory of Random Matrices, "Multidimensional Statistical Analysis and Theory of Random Matrices". Proceedings of the Sixth Eugene Lukacs Symposium Held in Bowling Green State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Bowling Green Ohio. Publishing VSP (with A.K. Gupta) 1996, 327--387 p. |
Canonical equation for the resolvent of empirical covariance matrices pencil, "Multidimensional Statistical Analysis and Theory of Random Matrices". Proceedings of the Sixth Eugene Lukacs Symposium Held in Bowling Green State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Bowling Green Ohio. Publishing VSP. (with A.K. Gupta), 1996, 41--61 p. |
Strong Law for the eigenvalues of empirical covariance matrices. "Multidimensional Statistical Analysis and Theory of Random Matrices". Proceedings of the Sixth Eugene Lukacs Symposium Held in Bowling Green State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Bowling Green Ohio. Publishing VSP. 1996, 61--92 p. |
Distribution of spacings of random matrices. Part I: The First Spacing Law for Gaussian Hermitian matrices, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations V.4, N.3, 1996, 283--300 p. |
Numerical and Monte Carlo Verification of the First Spacing Law, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations. V.4, N.4, 1996, 303--314 p. (with N. Preston). |
A matrix equation for the resolvents of random matrices with independent blocks. Theory of Probability and its Applications, V.40, 4, 635--644 (1996). |
Limit theorems for permanents. Theory of Probability and mathematical statistics, No. 53, 33--42 (1996). |
Strong Law for the singular values and eigenvectors of random matrices, I. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V.5, N.1, 1997, 80--104. |
Strong Circular Law. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V.5, N.2, 1997, 173--197. |
Strong Elliptic Law. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V.5, N.3, 1997, 269--306. |
The $V$-density for eigenvalues of non symmetric random matrices and rigorous proof of the strong Circular law, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V.5, N.4, 371--406 (1997). |
A Refinement of the central limit theorem for random determinants, Theory of Probability and Its Applications, V.42, N.1, 121--129 (1997). |
Numerical and Monte -Carlo Verification of the $V$-Law, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V.6, N.2, 1998, 80--104. (with R. Dias) |
Strong Law for the singular values and eigenvectors of random matrices II. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V.6, N.3, 1998, 291--310. |
Convergence rate of the expected spectral functions of symmetric random matrices equals $O(n^{-1/2})$. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V.6, N.4, 1998, 359--406. |
The $V$-relation between Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Operators and Strong Law for Normalized Spectral Functions of Non-Selfadjoint Random Matrices with Independent Row Vectors. Markov Processes and Related Fields V.4, 4, 499--508 (1998). |
Strong Law for the singular values and eigenvectors of random matrices III. Inequalities for the spectral radius of large random matrices, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, V.7, N.2, 1999, 179--200. |
Simulation of Eigenvalues of Random Matrices |
Numerical and Monte Carlo verification of V-distribution |
Scientific Projects |
Proposition of a theory of optimization for obtaining minimax estimators of the parameters of the regression models |
The Development of Statistical Analysis of Random Arrays and Its Programm Applications |
The Main Law of the Theory of Random Matrices |
Wigner«s Semicircle Law |
Inverse Tangent Law |
The Logarithmic Law |
Ten Spacings Laws |
The Second Law for the Singular Values and Eigenvectors of Random Matrices |
The Third Law for the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Empirical Covariance Matrices |
The Law of Large Numbers for the Product of Independent Random Matrices |
The Central Limit Theorem for the Product of Independent Random Matrices |
The Central Limit Theorem for the Resolvents of Random Matrices |
The Main Minimax Estimators |
The Main Estimators of GSA |
G1-Estimator of Generalized Variance |
G2-Estimator of Real Stieltjes Transform of the Normalized Spectral Function of Covariance Matrices |
G3-Estimator of Inverse Covariance Matrix |
Class of G4-Estimators for the Traces of the Powers of Covariance Matrices |
G5-Estimator of Smoothed Normalized Spectral Function of Symmetric Matrices |
G6-Estimator of Stieltjes' Transform of Covariance Matrix Pencil |
G7-Estimator of the States of Discrete Control Systems |
Class of G8-Estimators of the Solutions of Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations (SLAE) |
G9-Estimator of the Solution of the Discrete Kolmogorov-Wiener Filter |
G10-Estimator of the Solution of a Regularized Discrete Kolmogorov-Wiener Filter With Known Free Vector |
G11-Estimator of the Mahalanobis Distance |
G12-Regularized Mahalanobis Distance Estimator |
G13-Discrimination of Two Populations With Common Unknown Covariance Matrix. G13-Anderson-Fisher Statistics Estimator |
G14-Estimator of Regularized Discriminat Function |
G15-Estimator of the Nonlinear Discriminant Function, Obtaind by Observation of Random Vectors With Different Covariance Matrices |
G16-Class of G1-Estimators in the Theory of Experimental Desgn, When the Design Matrix is Unknown |
G17-Estimate of T2-Statistics |
G18-Estimate of Regularized T2-Statistics |
Quasi-Inversion Method for Solving $G$-Equations |
Estimator $G {20}$ of Regularized Function of Unknown Parameters |
G21-Estimator: Estimator in the Likelihood Method |